Dbl.decker bus with carry handle,drop down window,gold brake,horn,pull out awning,crank,bus stop,table,2 benches, brn.pinic basket,2 lg.wht.cherry cakes, 2 doughnuts, 2 pasties,
2 biscuits.2x grey bears, beige trs.,shirt,dress,2 brn.caps,2 jkts.,
tkt.machine, grey shoulder bag, flsk, cup, sandwich box, lid, 2
sandwich halves, broucher.
2 Rabbits,brn.,floral dress,grn.jacket,stripped shirt, corduroy
trousers, 2 sets of eye glasses, 2 elastics.
3 Red Pandas, wht.,floral dress with pinney attached,rd.check dress, grn., shorts with elstic braces,rd.check shirt, 4 bus destination signs.
Plus small picture card.