2x cars,grn.lorry with crane,red lorry with yell.palette lifter,red wooden train with truck and block of 9 logs, blue wooden train, 2 engines grn.,/red, yell.safari engine, 2x red engines with sound,2 yell.engines go forward/reverse/lights, 2 grey inter city engines with lift up roofs and cabin tops, carriage.
1x bl.1x yell. people carriages, 1x red,1x yell. animal trucks,1x black truck, 1x bl.magnetic brick, red truck, 2x bl.,1x grn.magnetic pipes,1x blk./red carriage,blue trailer.
3 men,2 women large, 3 men,1 woman sml.
station with sounds,footbridge,water tank,train shed,warehouse, magnetic crane,mine shaft, windmill.